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A LIFE CHANGED - My 150th Story

Ruthanne Kaufman

In July 2008, as a member of Club Hatikvah, I had the honor of delivering the D’var Torah on Club Hatikvah Shabbat.  The Torah portion was Mas’ei, the story of the journey of our people after leaving Egypt.  I spoke of life as a series of journeys, in space, in time and in spirit.  I described how my parents came to choose Chizuk Amuno as their synagogue after we moved to Pikesville from the city.  I related the story of my brother’s death and how that led my parents to become active in the synagogue.  I told of my mother’s death in September 2006, followed three weeks later by my father’s the day after Yom Kippur.  I talked about the comfort I found in the community of the daily minyan.  I spoke of learning to daven and lead services, of becoming an adult Bat Mitzvah, of learning to read Torah.  Just as it had done for my parents, tragedy had led me to the synagogue and the synagogue had changed my life.

I have become a more confident person.  Socially, I was always painfully shy around people who were not close personal friends.  The idea of speaking to a group of several hundred people would have never occurred to me.  Having attended daily services and Shabbat services for these last fifteen years, I have met many members of the congregation.  Now when I lead services in the chapel or read Torah in the sanctuary, I can do it with confidence because I know I am among friends.

Torah, Avodah, Gemilut Hasadim.  I try to live them every day.  I have learned much.  I still have a lot to learn.  I am glad that Chizuk Amuno is there to help me.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784