The Chizuk Amuno Brotherhood serves the male members of our congregation and the entire Chizuk Amuno community through service, social, religious, and educational activities and programs in accordance with the aims and purposes of the congregation. The Brotherhood and its membership are affiliated with the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC), the international organization of Conservative Masorti Men’s Clubs.
Please contact Brotherhood President, Lee Brill, if you are interested in learning more about the Brotherhood at
Brotherhood Officers 2024-25
President, Lee Brill
1st Vice President, Ed Gratz
Treasurer, Ricky Gratz
Recording Secretary, Gary Brager
Corresponding Secretary, Howard Sandbank
Brotherhood Board Members
Past presidents
Harvey Cohen, Barry Oslick, Richard Udell, Eric Beser, Larry Amsterdam, Jeff Snyder, Michael Freilich, Howard Brill (z”l), Steve Dansicker, Jonathan Lowenberg, Carl Polsky, Bob Wolf
Board Members
Robert Anbinder, Bob Eisenberg, Warren Gould, Ed Gratz, Martin Kinstler, Carl Polsky, Hugh Schwartz, Marvin Spector, Mitch Tobias, Ted Walman, Robert Wolf, Fred Zimmerman
Ex-officio members
Gary Brager, Larry Amsterdam, Howard Brill (z”l), Jeff Snyder, Bob Wolf
Sat, February 15 2025
17 Shevat 5785