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Programs by Grade

Learning at Rosenbloom Religious School is engaging and immersive, with a curriculum that focuses on Jewish holidays, Hebrew reading, prayer, Biblical stories, and Jewish values. While each year is different, the sequence of the curriculum also builds upon itself, allowing the students to simultaneously review their learning, delve deeper, and explore new material. 

Beginning the Journey:
Balashim (Grade K) and Giborim (Grade 1)

The Balashim and Giborim program is the entry point for the Rosenbloom Religious School. Through music, art, drama, dance and other special activities, our students explore their connection to our community, to the synagogue, and to Shabbat. The stories of the tradition come alive as the students enter the world of the Torah and discover the values and traditions that have become the foundation of our practices today. Highlights of this two-year program include the Hebrew Name Carnival and the “Two by Two” Noah’s ark family morning at Kayam Farm.

Setting the Foundation:
Kochavim (Grade 2) and Halutzim (Grade 3)

Kochavim (Grade 2)

The Kochavim year is an adventure in Hebrew reading. Our students begin the year not knowing how to write or read Hebrew. By year’s end, students’ reading and writing ability is strong – and a whole new world of learning is opened to our students! The Kochavim students also explore the cycle of the moon and its impact on the Jewish calendar, culminating with a family trip to the Baltimore Science Center Planetarium.

Halutzim (Grade 3)

Our students in the Halutzim class focus on learning Havdalah. This beautiful service that is said on Saturday night to separate Shabbat from the rest of the week is their first in-depth prayer study. Our students learn how to sing the beautiful melodies, create all of the ritual objects and then lead our families in a fun Havdalah service. In addition to havdalah, our students explore the prayers of the morning service, Jewish holidays, and the culture and places of the Land of Israel.

Delving Deeper:
Solelim (Grade 4) and Nachshonim (Grade 5)

Solelim (Grade 4)

Solelim students celebrate receiving their Hebrew bible (TaNaKh) as they begin their first in-depth study of a biblical text. The curriculum focuses on the life of Abraham and Sarah, which the students explore through art, discussions, and text-study. The study of Shabbat is also an important part of the Solelim year, and the students spend time learning the Kiddush and other key Friday night prayers. Additionally, the exploration of the Hebrew language continues with the introduction of Hebrew script.

Nachshonim (Grade 5)

In Nachshonim, students delve into our pivotal Jewish narrative: the exodus from Egypt. Their biblical exploration goes hand in hand with an in-depth study of the Hagaddah and the Passover seder. As students begin to look towards bnei mitzvah they continue to strengthen their prayer and Hebrew skills, and their studies are enriched by special sessions with Chizuk Amuno clergy and staff.  Several times during the year the Nachshonim class visits Pearlstone farm for hands-on learning about Jewish holidays and practices.

Joining the Larger Jewish Community:
Sparks (Grade 6) and Atid (Grade 7)

Sparks (Grade 6)

The sixth grade year helps students develop their understanding of the Shabbat morning service, including how to read and chant key prayers.  On Sunday mornings, the students learn how to lead a minyan, explore Jewish rituals, and study Jewish texts.    

Atid (Grade 7)

During their final RRS year the Atid students explore the connections between their Jewish and American identities. The Atid curriculum uses three key points in American history—the founding of the country, immigration at the turn of the century, and the civil rights movement—to push the students to think about their place in the American-Jewish community and their role in the larger Jewish narrative. In lieu of a regular Sunday schedule, our oldest students participate in a “classroom without walls” that features field trips and joint learning opportunities with our partner synagogues, Beth El and Beth Am. A special thanks to the Blaustein Foundation for their help in creating and supporting this program.

Sat, February 15 2025 17 Shevat 5785