Jewish Life
Jewish Life/Lifecycles
Jewish ritual embraces us at key moments, moments of transition that mark both an ending and a new beginning: A child’s birth, a child's bar, bat, or b'nei mitzvah, a couple’s marriage, one’s conversion to Judaism, a member’s passing. Celebration and recognition of life cycle events enrich worship, allow for individual religious expression, and strengthen the bonds of community. These events draw us closer dor l’dor, between the generations.
We encourage our members to call on the services of our clergy for all life cycle events.
- Brit Milah or Simhat Bat
- Bar/Bat/B 'nei Mitzvah
- Marriage
- Conversion
- Death, Burial, Mourning, and Unveiling
Brit Milah or Simhat Bat
A brit milah (“covenant of circumcision” for a boy) and a simhat bat (celebrating the “joy of a daughter”) are special ways for Jewish parents to express their gratitude and celebrate the new addition of a child to their family. The clergy at Chizuk Amuno are available to advise families on these ceremonies, which mark the bringing of sons or daughters into the covenant of the Jewish people.
Bar/Bat/B'nei Mitzvah
A Bar, Bat or B'nei Mitzvah is actually the celebration of a beginning, as the child starts to take responsibility for their own Jewish identity. Bar, Bat, or B Mitzvah celebrations take place within the three Jewish contexts of family, Jewish community, and the synagogue service. A Bar/Bat/B'nei Mitzvah is a joyous event for the family as well as for our entire congregation.
Parents of bar/bat mitzvah students must be members of Chizuk Amuno at least three years before their child’s bar or bat mitzvah. The student must have completed at least six years of religious education and be currently enrolled in a formal program of religious instruction. Our goal is to help our children grow into their awareness of the obligations and privileges of belonging to the adult Jewish community.
For detailed information on requirements, preparation, training, and event planning, contact Archer Davis
The Jewish tradition is founded on respect for those who have died and on providing comfort to those who are grieving. Chizuk Amuno provides comfort, support, and guidance to those who are bereaved. We also encourage our members to turn to our clergy and staff for advice on the practical matters and ritual surrounding death, burial, and mourning.
Our Rabbis and Cantor are available to officiate at funeral services and unvelings for Synagogue members and their families, and are also available to guide families through the traditional mourning rituals in the days that follow burial.
For more information about making arrangements for burial or purchasing a plot at one of Chizuk Amuno’s cemeterie, please contact Marsha Yoffe, Cemetery Director, or 410-486-6400 ext. 309.
Tue, September 17 2024
14 Elul 5784