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A LIFE CHANGED - My 150th Story

Ruthanne Kaufman

In July 2008, as a member of Club Hatikvah, I had the honor of delivering the D’var Torah on Club Hatikvah Shabbat.  The Torah portion was Mas’ei, the story of the journey of our people after leaving Egypt.  I spoke of life as a series of journeys, in space, in time and in spirit.  I described how my parents came to choose Chizuk Amuno as their synagogue after we moved to Pikesville from the city.  I related the story...Read more...

My 150th Story

Alan Kanter

When Harriet and I moved to Baltimore in May of 1972, she said to me that we were going to become members of a synagogue. I had not been to a synagogue since my Bar Mitzvah about 17 years earlier. We attended services at three different congregations and decided to become members at Chizuk Amuno subject to one condition. Under no circumstances would I become active in shul business/politics. Well, we all know how that turned out.


My 150th Story

Hannah Crystal

I'm lucky enough to be a 4th generation member of Chizuk, as well as to have grown up in this community as a Schechter student. Even though I’m not local, each time and for whatever reason I walk into the building, I'm flooded with memories of family, friends and teachers from over the years, and it continues to remain a home away from home in my mind. Outside of the building I am reminded daily of the lessons I learned there, and I enjoy...Read more...

My 150th Story

Marsha Satisky-Gamerman

My story begins with Hebrew school.  I’ll never forget Hyman Saye, with his head of thick gray hair and foreboding presence.   I happily take responsibility for some of his gray. I loved those milk and cookies that lovable Mr Gorban distributed before my long trek upstairs to Nina Lederkramer, Molly Levine, Sarah Levine, Henry Hyman, and Mr. Shoubin.   All these people shaped me. Hebrew school was...Read more...

My 150th Story

Anne King

I have been a member of Chizuk Amuno for all of my almost 70 years.   My first memories are of playing downstairs in the basement at children’s services at the old Eutaw Place building.  Then beginning Hebrew School in the annex on Enslow Lane off of Roger’s Avenue in Mt. Washington.  Then services at the Pikesville Armory while Stevenson Road was being constructed.  

At the new Stevenson Road building we...

We are Chizuk Introduction

At my installation as Chizuk Amuno Congregation President, I asked, “Who are we as a community?” I continue to learn the answer to that question on a daily basis.

At the time, I described Chizuk Amuno as “a group of exceptionally talented, educated, artistic, philanthropic, and socially-aware individuals.” On every pandemic-filled day since, I have seen this description ring true. Yet it is insufficient to describe Chizuk...Read more...

One Year Later: Reflecting on What We’ve Lost and How We’ve Grown

March 17, 2021
By Melissa Brill


Pretzel Challah

Melissa Halpern

Pretzel Challah (Adapted from King Arthur Flour)


2 1/2 cups Bread Flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 2 1/4 teaspoons instant yeast 1 cup warm water

Pretzel Bath

1 cup boiling water 2 tablespoons baking soda Salt to top


1 tablespoon margarine, melted Place all of the dough ingredients into a bowl and beat until well-combined. Knead the dough, by hand or machine, for 5 to 8...Read more...
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784