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Bring Gemilut Hasadim (Acts of Loving Kindness) to our community!

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Community Care: Living out Gemilut Hasadim at CAC

Are you or a loved one in need of support from the Chizuk Amuno Community? The Gemilut Hasadim Committee provides check ins on sick or healing members; meals for those who have had surgery, experienced loss, or welcomed a child; and companionship for those experiencing isolation. Learn more about Community Care at Chuzuk Amuno here.

Interested in getting involved? Email Community Care Coordinator Rena Lapidus.

Shabbat Squad

For many years, the Shalom Squad was a group of congregants who greeted their peers arriving at
Shabbat and holiday services with a friendly smile, a warm “Shalom!,” and the offer of guidance when
it was needed. They might be called upon to help B’nei Mitzvah guests find programs or the kippot, or
they might direct people to the restrooms or help them find their seats. Mainly, their warm and
welcoming presence helped to set the tone for services and let all congregants know that there was
someone happy to see them at shul, whether they came every week or were coming back after a long

When services moved online during the pandemic, the Shalom Squad was suspended, but we feel that
it is past time to revive this important role. Please consider volunteering to welcome your community
with a warm smile. We will work within the dates you have available.

Let us know that you’re interested through this form or by emailing Archer Davis

Greeting Cards

Our Goldsmith and Schechter students have been hard at work supplying us with unique cards to be sent to Chizuk Amuno seniors. If you enjoy writing uplifting, friendly messages, then this is the activity for you!

For questions or to sign up, please contact Rabbi Debi Wecshler.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785