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Rabbi Debi Wechsler Bio

Rabbi Wechsler has touched the lives of many members of our community through her intellect, warmth, compassion and commitment to the ideals of Conservative Judaism. As the first woman to serve as rabbi of Chizuk Amuno Congregation, her impact and accomplishments are demonstrated in our successful b’nei mitzvah, adult learning programs, gemilut hasadim efforts, and many learning and life cycle experiences.

Debi has served Chizuk Amuno Congregation since 1999. She received her rabbinic ordination, as well as an M.A. degree from the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City.  Prior to becoming a pulpit rabbi at Chizuk Amuno, she served as an educator at the 92nd Street Y also in New York City.

Teaching has been Rabbi Wechsler’s first love and she is indeed, a teacher par excellence.  The breadth and depth of her Judaic knowledge might be formidable if not for her warm and accessible teaching style.  Through her b’nei mitzvah program and adult learning classes, Debi’s perspective of Judaism through her particular lens has been encouraging and empowering. She is ever mindful of the wisdom, optimism, and even humor, to be gained from our cherished Jewish tradition.

She has published sermons and opinion articles in The American Rabbi, The Orchard, The Forward, and the New York Jewish Week and she is the mother of Rena and Ruben, alumni of Krieger Schechter Day School. 

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785