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FY24 Annual Campaign

"Greater is tzedakah than all the sacrifices" – Talmud, Sukkah 49b.

Our Annual Campaign ensures that Chizuk Amuno will continue to be a vibrant synagogue for all ages and stages of Jewish life in Baltimore.

This past year, we have embraced change as we have renovated some of our most cherished spaces in the building, experimented with new events, concluded our first summer of CA Camps with 500 campers, and expanded our professional team. Yet, with successes come challenges, and we are strengthened knowing we can always count on you.

The dedication of our congregation to the future of our synagogue and schools reminds us of our unique value here at Chizuk. Our synagogue is a place for connection, community, belonging, personal growth, and moments of celebration and hardship. You make Chizuk Amuno “home,” and our Annual Campaign makes it all possible.

Please join us in meeting the growing needs of our community with a gift to support this year's Annual Campaign.

We are so grateful for your part in sustaining and strengthening our congregation.

I would like to designate my Annual Campaign contribution as follows:  
If you prefer to pay by check, checks may be made to Chizuk Amuno (Note: Annual Campaign). Please send your check to Chizuk Amuno Congregation Attn: Development Office, 8100 Stevenson Road, Baltimore, MD 21208.
Contact our Development Office with any questions: 410-486-6400 ext. 196.
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784